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What are the differences among jails, prisons, and treatment centers?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Each topic should include current references and ideas from the fields of Sociology and Criminology and Criminal Justice. Both topics must have minimum of 5 written pages each without the including cover page and sitting. The two topics are .  Corrections: 
Recidivism is a very serious problem.  It is apparent that punishing offenders with jail or prison time does not deter them from committing crime.  What measures can be taken so that offenders do not repeat crime?  Does our prison system work to act as a deterrent to crime?  How are prisoners and ex-convicts punished for their criminal acts and how are they rehabilitated?
The answer should
1.      What are the differences among jails, prisons, and treatment centers?
2.      Is our correction system built on rehabilitation or punishment?
3.      Describe a day in the life of a prison inmate and all various types of inmates.
4.      How are correctional facilities funded?  -- private-owned versus publicly-operated prisons.
5.      How are treatment and probation orders determined, modified, enforced, and evaluated?
6.      What is the role of probation officers, parole officers, counselors, etc.?

.  Law enforcement

News accounts, many television programs and accounts by police themselves depict police work as primarily a heroic crime-fighting endeavor. Is it?  First critique the “myth” of policing and then examine why such myths are necessary and what function they serve in view of the kind of work police do.  What role does police presence play in the reduction of crime and in people’s fear of crime?  What is police discretion and should the police be given discretionary power when policing?  What is community policing and should it be at the heart of how the police are organized? 

The answer should consider:

1. What are the branches of government?  Under what branch of government does law enforcement fall?  What are the various levels of policing/enforcement/different types of law enforcement agencies?
2.What is the ideal role of police in modern society?
3 How do the police interface with the courts?
4. What are the contemporary problems with self-regulation in law enforcement? What are the issues regarding internal affairs versus external regulatory review concerning professional standards and public and professional accountability?  Who should have the right to determine if an officer acts appropriately?

382 Words  1 Pages
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