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Juvenile Drug Use

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Tony was a 16-year-old juvenile who was picked up for driving under the influence of alcohol and possession of marijuana. He was evaluated and taken to juvenile detention. When speaking to the juvenile justice probation officer, Tony stated that drinking and marijuana was not a serious issue and that his parents did it all the time. With this statement, the juvenile probation officer realized that this was not a one-time thing and that it was related to an unhealthy home environment. The decision was made to send Tony to a treatment program. Assignment Guidelines Address the following in 2-3 pages: What methods and techniques would be useful in a juvenile rehabilitation program to help Tony? Explain in detail. Do you believe that Tony’s family should be part of this treatment? Why or why not? Would he still be living in his home environment, or would he go into some type of halfway house? Fully explain your reasoning. What would be the potential repercussions of allowing Tony to live at home? Explain. What would be the potential repercussions of forcing Tony to live away from home? Explain. Using the Internet, research the following addiction recovery programs: Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Rational Recovery Relate the techniques of the programs to a cognitive learning theory or behavioral theory. For example, you could consider any of the following: Social learning theory by Bandura Assimilation theory by Ausubel Attribution theory by Weiner Gestalt psychology by Tolman How do program techniques from the 3 listed treatment programs relate to your selected theory? Explain. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

275 Words  1 Pages
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