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evaluate the situational approach as an explanation of leadership in general and within the Criminal Justice System in particular.

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Paper Instructions:

The Situational Leadership Model suggests that there is no “one size fits all” approach to leadership. Depending on the situation, varying levels of “leadership” and “management” are necessary.  Situational leadership refers to when the leader or manager of an organization must adjust his style to fit the development level of the followers he is trying to influence. With situational leadership, it is up to the leader to change his style, not the follower to adapt to the leader’s style. In situational leadership, the style may change continually to meet the needs of others in the organization based on the situation.

find and read  Vinzant, J. & Crothers, L. (1994). Street-level leadership:  The role of patrol officers in community policing. Criminal Justice Review, 19 (2) 189 – 211.

find two additional peer-reviewed journal articles on the situational approach to leadership. 

evaluate the situational approach as an explanation of leadership in general and within the Criminal Justice System in particular.

The paper must follow APA requirements. 

175 Words  1 Pages
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