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Layoffs in the Public Sector

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In this exercise, your group should assume the role of the Human Resources Generalists who are responsible for providing advice and human resources support to the Office of Philanthropy at Santa Anita State University. The VP of Marketing and the Director of the Special Communications team have asked your group to provide them with a memo analyzing the issues involved in this situation and to make a recommendation regarding what they should do.

In your memo to the VP of Marketing and the Director of the Special Communications team, you must answer the following questions:

Should they hire Ms. Stewart for the coordinator job or lay her off and recruit qualified applicants for the new position? You must identify a clear priority. Justify your choice and the tradeoffs associated with this choice.

What are the major risks and problems facing the Office of Philanthropy if they selected your recommended course of action? How would you prioritize these challenges in the short term and in the long term? Justify your choices and the tradeoffs associated with this choice.

188 Words  1 Pages
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