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Define a contract and explain its purposes

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

 1)  Define a contract and explain its purposes. 

2)    Discuss the concept of a “good” and explain why it matters in contract law. 

3)    Explain the differences among valid, unenforceable, voidable, and void contracts. 

4)    Explain the differences between an express and an implied contract. 
5)    Explain the Statute of Frauds. 

6)    Explain the Parol Evidence Rule and describe the exceptions to it.
7)    Explain the difference between complete and substantial performance. 

8)    Explain ways in which performance is discharged. 

9)    Discuss the theory of damages in contract cases and identify the different types of damages. 

10)    Describe what types of contracts are entitled to specific performance.

118 Words  1 Pages
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