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The American Community Survey (ACS). is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The American Community Survey (ACS).  is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Insert your county and state of residence into the search field located on the upper right-hand side of the ACS home page. You will not only find population statistics, but a wealth of other aggregated demographic information about people residing in your county of residence (e.g., household income, schools, poverty, veterans residing in the county, etc.). Pay attention to the type of information collected and whether the variables are nominal, ordinal, or interval/ratio.

Using the handout (located in Module 1's folder), answer the 12 questions (which pertain to the ACS 2007 census data on the entire U.S. population). Also compare the information discussed in the handout on the general U.S. population with two of the pieces of information you discovered about your county of residence from the ACS website. Your answers should conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

*** My county and state for this project will be Miami-Dade County, Florida 

185 Words  1 Pages
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