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Adjudication and Rulemaking

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The APA defines "adjudication" to mean the "agency process for the formulation of an order." Adjudication can be formal or informal and includes all final agency action other than rulemaking. In addition to an agency's adjudicatory power, Congress may also authorize an agency to use rulemaking powers to further its regulatory agenda. Agency rules, also known as regulations, are much more encompassing than adjudications as they are intended to apply to the general public.

For this assignment, answer the following questions:
Explain agency adjudication and explain the difference between informal and formal adjudication.

Explain agency rulemaking and explain the difference between informal and formal rulemaking.

Provide an example of a case where an agency employed either adjudication, rulemaking, or both.

Your document should be at least 2 pages, double-spaced, but no more than 3 pages.

Please use 3 scholarly sources and cite relevant statutes and laws in proper format

161 Words  1 Pages
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