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the role of the psychologist as an expert witness when testifying about a sanity evaluation

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

We have discussed several different kinds of forensic assessments in class, from criminal (i.e. sanity evaluations, competency assessments, risk assessments) to civil (i.e. child custody, mediation, negligence, guardianship). We have also noted the important roles (i.e. educator, expert, researcher) that psychologists must play in the courtroom. Select a topic from this noted subject matter; such as the role of the psychologist as an expert witness when testifying about a sanity evaluation. In addition, discuss the implications that it has or will have on public policy. For example, we spoke in class about how psychologists have taken to educating judges and juries when testifying about cases (i.e. painting the portrait of mental illness).

127 Words  1 Pages
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