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Social Media and Youth Social Movements

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Read the document "Group Presentation and Grading Rubric" and "Notes for Group Presentation and Discussion,"  for the requirements on what to include within the slides 

Social Movement: #MeToo

Subculture: Women Civil Rights Activists or Feminists or both (Choose a subculture that falls under the #MeToo social movement)

-Provide background information about both
- Also on one to two slides include 4 to 6 signifiers

- Content: You present on a subculture/social movement that is appropriate for the day on which you are assigned. I recommend that it be a different subculture/social movement than from the readings. Offer only a brief history and explanation of the subculture/social movement. The bulk of the presentation should be your analysis of the WHY and HOW of resistance. 

You MUST INCLUDE Graphics/Illustration/Visuals: Included a variety of visuals and other materials that helped spark class' interest and illustrate important aspects of the subject.

Please include at least 5 discussion questions within the slides: 

- The questions and discussion should also be creative and thought-provoking and should be peppered throughout the entire presentation.

188 Words  1 Pages
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