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What does Adrian Johns’ think is wrong with Elizabeth Eisenstein’s characterization of the impact of print on the development of science? book is the printing revolution in early modern Europe by Elizabeth Eisenstein

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Paper Instructions:

The book is: the printing revolution in early modern Europe by Elizabeth Eisenstein - must be able to quote the book and have access to the book 

you must answer the main question: “What does Adrian Johns’ think is wrong with Elizabeth Eisenstein’s characterization of the impact of print on the development of science?”

To be be successful, you’ll need to do several things (I strongly recommend doing these in the following order):

Explain (aka summarize, in your own words) what Eisenstein thinks print contributes to the development of modern science. This should be 1 or 2 paragraphs. 

To illustrate that, use Tycho Brahe and Galileo as examples.1 or 2 paragraphs each.

What is Adrian Johns’ main critique of Eisenstein’s argument and what does he say to explain and substantiate his point? (Summarize in your own words, 1 or 2 paragraphs).

How does he interpret the examples of Tycho Brahe and Galileo, e.g., what do they think they illustrate instead? Note that this part is an explicit comparison with Eisenstein. (1-2 paragraphs each.)

187 Words  1 Pages
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