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Goal: Student will be able to analyze U.S. foreign policy to effectively create a persuasive argument for or against U.S. involvement in foreign affairs.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Goal: Student will be able to analyze U.S. foreign policy to effectively create a persuasive argument for or against U.S. involvement in foreign affairs.
The Monroe Doctrine expressed the idea that the United States would not become involved in European affairs. (This does not include trade.)  For this project you will write a 600-750 word persuasive essay that addresses each of the following:
Do you believe the policy of not interfering with European affairs should be followed today? Why or why not? Cite at least two examples of recent (within the past five years) U.S. action that supports your opinion.

Is it possible for the U.S. to not only stay out of European affairs, but also the affairs of all other countries today? Explain and defend your opinion. (Do not focus your answer on trade.)

Is there a moral obligation for the United States to help other countries? Why or why not? Cite two Bible verses to support your opinion.

Give an example of another strong nation besides the U.S. that is involved in the affairs of other countries. Compare the way this country gets involved with the way the U.S. does. Give specific examples. Which approach is better and why?

220 Words  1 Pages
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