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Existence of social problems

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Go into more depth within your chosen social problem. Examine your selected social problem and theorize why your social problem exists in the first place. Which sociological theory do you identify most with as you describe your social problem (see page 15 of your text/figure 1.7 & table 1.2). Why? (100-150 words)
I'd like for us to use our sociological imagination. C. Wright Mills (a famous sociologist) described the sociological imagination as: "the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society". Choose one social problem (such as: abortion, bullying, alcoholism, date rape, capital punishment/death penalty, racism, poverty, eating disorders, etc.) and describe, in your ideal society, how you would combat your selected issue to solve it. Describe the experience of those affected by the social problem and how their experience would be shifted through the changes made in your ideal society. (200 words) (15 points)

163 Words  1 Pages
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