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This assignment asks you to place the content of the famous travelogue you have been reading in this class (The Travels of Marco Polo) in its relevant historical context.

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This assignment asks you to place the content of the famous travelogue you have been reading in this class (The Travels of Marco Polo) in its relevant historical context. The legendary 13th century Venetian traveler Marco Polo undertook a long and arduous journey from his home base in Italy to the realm of the Great Khan of the Mongols. The Great Khan ruled at the time over the vast empire that stretched from Central Asia into China.

When reading the travelogue compare Marco Polo’ s reflections on the events of the day (HIS day) and his descriptions of the customs and traditions of the peoples he encountered with what you have learned in this course about the time period and those particular geographic locations that he visits during his travels. How accurate, how reliable do you find Marco Polo’s accounts? Do you think his reports can/should be used as a historical source? On what do you base your opinion? Provide specific examples from the text to support your argument. Juxtapose these examples with “hard historical facts” as found in your textbook or in the primary sources collection. What general conclusions can we/you draw regarding the historical veracity of Marco Polo’s account?

Suggested sources: 1. The Travels of Marco Polo; 2. Textbook; 3. Relevant primary sources

226 Words  1 Pages
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