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Paper Instructions:
Research Paper on the topic "From 1839-1841, one of the biggest legal battles in the United States involved the fate of slaves who had killed their slaveholders while onboard a Spanish slave ship called La Amistad. After taking over the ship, the ship went off course and landed in American waters. The slaves were then placed in American custody. Provide the necessary background information for what the legal challenges were for the slaves in the Amistad case. What was the outcome in each of their legal battles in federal court? How did this case become a national story? What was the impact of the final decision in that case? Be specific." APA in-text Citations from Jstor and no contractions (i.e. don’t, can’t, wasn’t, etc.) as well as first-person (i.e. “I”, “me”, “us”, “we”, “myself”, etc.) in the paper.