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Paper Instructions:
1. Evaluation is the process of assigning value to something or to determine the importance, worth, or effectiveness of something. 2. Part of this process often includes developing a criteria to use (a set of characteristics that are valuable to something). 3. In reality, you are not just being asked to make a claim of value (something meets some specified criteria effectively), but you are being asked to make a claim of policy (something should be done). 4. Be careful with grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics. Be careful with typographical errors (typos). 5. The essay should be two-pages, typed, and double-spaced. 6. Upload as a PDF or a MS Word file (doc or docx). Each semester, I do this project in this way, and many students like it, at least to some degree. Now on to the project: Let me set the ″scene.″ You are part of a ″committee″ chosen by the ″company″ you ″work″ for ″Wolf, Ram, & Hart Productions.″ The CEO has sent you an memorandum with instructions. In those instructions, you are asked to evaluate three works of literature to be published in an upcoming issue. Additionally, in that memorandum, the CEO gives you some criteria to use in your evaluation. (Your readings in argument and evaluation from the textbook should help some as you think about things.) You are, therefore, to read the works of literature and evaluate them based on the criteria. He also asks that you present your evaluation in writing (that is, you are to choose which of the three works you think should be published based on the given criteria and present your reasoning in writing--the perfect vehicle for that happens to be a TWO PAGE ESSAY!! How convenient!!) End Scene Now for the skinny* of the project (for those less inclined to immersion): read the three works of literature (the speech, the poem, and the story); read the criteria given in the memorandum; decide which work of literature best fulfills the criteria; present a two-page, double-spaced essay supporting your choice; upload your essay as a MS Word file or as a PDF in appropriate link. Always keep in mind that an ESSAY is a DISCOURSE (in this case a written discourse) which attempts to make a point. My suggestion is that your thesis should be something in the following form: ″X″ should be published in the summer editions as it best fulfills the criteria. Then your paragraphs can be used to demonstrate what criteria the work of literature (″X″) fulfills and how it fulfills them. As always, feel free to contact me for any reason!! *By the way, if you have never heard the phrase ″the skinny,″ let me say it is an American idiom likely from around the World War II era. Essentially, it means ″the straight or real facts″ of some thing. NEXT: You should work your way through the readings found in the ″Week 2″ Module beginning with the ″Memorandum.″