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Great Awakening


Answer 1

Clarification is so important in that it forms the reasoning and the rational thinking the actual way of the American knowledge.  The Americans wanted to have a new world as they had no other option that could help them transform their realities with the many groups that was based with the European Supremacy.  They did not do this because they had a great exposure, not due to their culture, policies or perception.   The ethical movement of inheritance and feudalism in Europe helped them to change their democratic policies as people had decided to live on their own in the new world.  This was because of their principle that clarification was the reason as to why they lived.  All the American s needed their freedom as this was their right as citizens.  This movement helped them on having conscience on one’s self. 

Answer 2

The religious movement of the Great Awakening took place in the 1970’s which was a main focus to the people who did not have money and those who were not intelligent.  It also happened to those that were much committed to the church services.  This brought up a disconnection in the church where some of the preachers and the appealing joined the movement calling themselves awakeners. This disconnection happened during the era and it will still remain in most of the churches.  Their mission was to reawaken people through their souls.  This movement helps us acknowledge the establishment of opposition as it happened to the young preachers in a community where the church had already grown and it saved the lives of many.  This also helps us know the religion liberty as many people were more motivated by the awakeners that they later started their own churches.

Answer 3

The economic connection between the British and the colonies was so unfair.  This was because the British worked under the Mercantilism system where they had to export more good than they imported or had to sell more goods more than they bought.  The main reason as to why they were put under the system was because their raw materials were needed for the products as they sold the same product again. This economic disparity was caused by the colonialists who declined from buying goods from England and this caused opposition to the system.  The British extracted a lot of raw materials and bought them more than they made and sold them to the colonies.  This was because some of the colonialists made their personal raw materials or they got them at a cheaper price from some other places.  The parliament had to make laws that regulated the colonialists where the law brought in the reduction of taxes on sugar and transformed the way smugglers were tried. 

Answer 4

The first and the direct stamp that was put on the colonies and affected them was the Stamp Policy that was passed in 1765.  This made many people angry as it made a communal involvement amid the colonialists but later created harmony among them.   There was a secret group among the colonies that include those who were working and lived in Boston.  This group had no established power but had their ancient supremacy as they were many.  Neither their actions nor their letters from the congress changed the mind of the king. This founded the rejection in 1765though it was more important as it united the Sons group and the Stamp Act movement.  This caused loss of the main British income where the King and his Prime minister wanted to cancel it. Later the Stamp Act movement was beaten and the harmony it shared was prevailed.  These groups and events led to the modification of the interior capability by establishing the fight from the Stamp Act.       


633 Words  2 Pages
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