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Accurate reading of American History

Accurate reading of American History

    There is so much that has fallen in the United States since the fall of Twin Towers. Before the 9-11 occurred, the United States were in comfort enjoying the geopolitical as well as economic growth and military success through the collapse of the USSR and the rapid conquest soon after the first Iraq war. However, after the 9-11 the rapidity of employment losses in the manufacturing and high technology sector increased and they battled for two unfunded wars where they were able to receive big cuts of taxes for the prosperous Americans. The rise of other states posed a great challenge to the USA global leadership. This is reflected in the way the times of political crises in America, for instance, the separation of voters between two parties during the time of Bush and Obama’s presidency.  This paper, therefore, will present and discuss how the American history reading is a precise reading and how it has changed everything since 2001.

    Before 2001, quasi-religious and primitive ethnic tribal wars were mostly caused by some epidemics such as malaria in some certain section of the world. However, the United States of America was regarded as the safest place in the world with prosperity and high rate of the civilization of people and hence it was regarded as the summit of the contemporary development and prosperity. Unfortunately, these people from the primitive tribes managed to enter into the US hence causing the country to experience hardships and it was quite a shame as well as murder. These people, however, reacted like this as they did not have the chance to experience the prosperity and contemporary development from their regions and hence ended up destroying what the United States of America had achieved.  They thus brought their primitive gullible and savage existence into the state of America attributing to the change in lifestyle of the Americans to like theirs and this acted as a setback to the Americans.

    History, therefore, records this era as an era where the developed species split off from being advanced and they ultimately went extinct as they could not maintain their standards hence making them fall behind. This attack in the record was the first great attack on the American land since the colonial period that is the first kind of attack that occurred on the home soil from the time when the United States of America brought them to fulfillment as a state.  This is without a doubt a game changer except that a great number of the American citizens tried to blame it all on the state government agency. This changed everything in the US as well as in Britain as they started wars in different locations such as in Afghanistan and in Iraq as they occupied the places. As a result of these actions, Middle East has been destabilized resulting to an increment in the militant Islam (Rubin 11). All these impacts were not realized earlier on but are now being realized presently. The American country is thus facing a lot of crises such as the Iran making the nuclear weapons and the increment in debts that has resulted to the increment in the American population 9-11 which started a decade ago. This has however affected the American dream causing many of its citizens to worry that they may not be able to achieve their goals.









Rubin, . American Multiculturalism After 9/11. Transatlantic Perspectives. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009. Print.

579 Words  2 Pages
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