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History in Cycles

History in Cycles

History in America seems to repeat itself in the sense of what happened. During the Gilded Age, there were extraordinary demands during the Civil War which once the war ended the government could have was not able to cope with the responsibility that came along with it as a result of the rapid acceleration that affected both the society and the economy of America. Social and economic factors in America have a significant influence how the nation runs (Durant & Durant, 2012). There was second Industrial Revolution that resumed such as farming, manufacturing and other advances that have been witnessed up to date. The evolution of that time created great social and economic changes the same as the one been currently seen under the technological influence (Durant & Durant, 2012). Corruption was a thing that has characterized all forms of administration. This is proof that history repeats itself.

There has been a continuation of war, poverty, colonialism, sexism, racism, classism and social movement that have been there since time in the memorial. In 1780 Nativism was experienced when the papist immigrants were seen to destroy the economy and a wall of brass was to be erected for the exclusion of the Catholics (Schlesinger, 1999). In 1850 the Chinese refused to assimilate and the many they were the more the economy was in jeopardy. In 1920 America had a large number of Jews which Americans argued that the economy cannot hold. Now American has nothing against the Mexicans but they have refused to corporate ruining the American economy a result why the Americans argue that a wall has to be erected (Schlesinger, 1999). This is proof that history matches on. Characteristics and traits have been passed on from era to era and generation to generation making history move in cycles.



Durant, W., & Durant, A. (2012). The Lessons Of History. Simon and Schuster.

Schlesinger, A. M. (1999). The cycles of American history. Boston [u.a.: Houghton Mifflin.


331 Words  1 Pages
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