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What is the history of Atomic Bomb?

Atomic Bomb


  1. What is the history of Atomic Bomb?
  2. Who discovered and invented the first nuclear Bomb?
  3. What are the necessities and materials that are required in the development of atomic Bomb?
  4. Who were the primary scientists that were engaged in the Manhattan project and what was the general cost that was incurred in the procedure?
  5. What is the power of the largest and the most commanding Nuclear weapon that has ever been exploded? To which state did it belong to and when did the explosion take place?
  6. Are nuclear weapons made for commercial mutilation? Is only the state government that is involved in the development of the weapons or is private organizations part of the initiatives?
  7. How the funding of the nuclear weapons does works and who are the primary financial sources in the developments?
  8. Can nuclear development be considered as legal in reference to state’s laws as well as the global relations?
  9. Is the development of nuclear weapons by different authoritative nuclear states a necessity?
  10. What kind of a nuclear weapon is an atomic bomb?




Kuran, P. (1995). Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie. Retrieved from

Shalett, S. (2010). First Atomic Bomb Dropped On Japan; Missile Is Equal to 20,000 Tons of TNT Truman Warns Foe of A Rain of Ruin. Retrieved from





226 Words  1 Pages
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