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La Riots 1992


La Riots 1992 

Rioting is a destructive activity that results in the destruction of the development projects. The rioting that occurred in Los Angeles in California is not an exception as it caused numerous losses following this riot that occurred in 1992. On 29th April to May 4th, 1992 there were widespread revolting, physical attack, demonstrations, murder of people, firefighting, and many more perilous actions befall the county of Los Angeles, following the beating of Rodney Glen III, a taxi driver who was seized by the constabularies in a high-speed car chase on March 3, 1991 (Stevenson 2013). This is a major cause of the rioting as people wanted justice to be served on the police officers. This paper, therefore, will present and discuss more on the LA rioting in 1992.

According to Stevenson, King Rodney was driving off Los Angeles town when he was caught by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). After King had alighted from his taxi car, he was beaten up by five police patrol officers. This incidence of King being beaten became a swift emphasis of Media and other protestors in other parts of United States of America. After the fortnight, the articles enlightening incidence has been published all over the state. Daryl Gates, LAPD Officer, said he didn’t believe what he was seeing, after watching one of the tapes which were taken by the camcorder during then. Police Sergeant who appeared on the clip did nothing to save King from the hands of five cruel patrol police officers. This gave him imperfection as a sergeant by the press. The four officers who engaged in beating up King Rodney by excessive force were released On April 29, 1992. The board of adjudicators could not agree of the incidence. They were full of suspicion on the fourth officer on using excessive force. According to the videos taken, King was trying to escape from the officers, but he was held down and beaten endlessly. The four police officers confessed that they tried to seizure him before the incidence, but he was trying to escape (Stevenson 2013).

  According to the CNN report, the day of riots was when the outcomes were announced. The next two days were terrible, as the incidence climaxed, causing the death of more than 50 people, and others more than 10 killed by the police and other two killed by the guardsmen. People were injured, who were estimated to be approximately 2,000. Also, the property damage reached up to $1 billion. Fires were set everywhere in the town, and the Korean warehouses were extensively embattled (CNN 2016). On the other part of the city, there was a big commotion. The ring member who was throwing back stones to the police was chased. There was a huge gathering of the angry crowd, including some of the media. As the crowd continued to grow, the police officers were forced to move away.

  During the evening hours, the crowd had not cooled down all over the city. Reginald Oliver Denny, a white automobile driver, was drawn from his lorry, when he tried to stop on the red light. He was then ruthlessly beaten up by the residents. All these incidences were taken by the news journalists with the helicopter and were broadcasted live. The two black noncombatants saw the incident live on television and hurried to salvage the victim. Lately, after the beating of Denny, another immigrant was beaten up cruelly by the crowd, which was taken by a videotape on that locality. The victim survived, but it took him many years to get better again (Stevenson 2013).

  On Friday of the week, President George H. W. Bush made a speech to the country, calling off the riots and terror. He told the public that he would do anything to end the rioting, using any force necessary to stop it. He added that terror and brutalism must be ended. During then, many recreational centers were closed, and others were postponed due to the announced dangers of rioting in the town (Matheson 2004). This affected much regarding games. Some players especially basketball were forced to postpone their matches.

    Saturday of that week, many military soldiers and marines were sent to reinforce the California soldiers. This movement stopped the troops and minimized the damages. The order was restored by the police and other security personnel. Vehemence was controlled, and numerous people went to a harmony assembly in Korea town. The wrath began to diminish slowly as the mayor addressed the residents.

   According to Kim, many Korean-Americans were displaced off in town; they all went to Korea town, and all their belongings were disposed of. Almost 50 percent of their properties were burned up. They received no help from the police organizations because of their language, ethnic group, and low level.  In the town of California, there were some huge armed personnel in the Korean-American camp. Other Korean individuals had even decided to leave Los Angeles because of the riots. The murder of Natasha Harkins also attracted some attentions to the residents (Kim 2012).

  Afterward, King was awarded $3.8 million. He then moved with his dynasty from Los Angeles to Rialto California. He was doing this to seepage the blame and reputation after causing Los Angeles instability. In a period of time later, Los Angeles town was rebuilding again by different organizations. Economic status came to the normal position and peace was restored. But on the other hand, many people were stimulated to buy arms for self-defense in case of attack (Matheson 2004).

  In conclusion, the aftermath of this riots and demonstrations ended when all the police departments were requested to end the riots. Almost 50 people died and other 2,000 were displaced off. It brought a great loss to Los Angeles residents, both black people and whites. Therefore, it is important to note that the L.A riot became unforgettable history in America. It took a time to recover the lost properties and heal injured wounds of thousands of people. But with time, economic and social status came to normal. I can say that riots caused many failures and racism between Asians and Americans. It was the worst riot ever.




    CNN. (2016). Los Angeles Riots Fast Facts. Retrieved from:

Kim, R. M. (2012). Violence and trauma as constitutive elements in Korean American racial identity formation: the 1992 LA riots/insurrection/saigu. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35(11), 1999-2018.

Matheson, V. A., & Baade, R. A. (2004). Race and riots: A note on the economic impact of the Rodney King riots. Urban Studies, 41(13), 2691-2696.

Stevenson, B. (2013). The Contested Murder of Latasha Harlins: Justice, Gender, and the Origins of the LA Riots. OUP USA.


1119 Words  4 Pages
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