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The aspect of slavery

The aspect of slavery

The desire to be free individuals in America is all about feeling safe and being able to stand the chance of a happy life. According to Fredrick, slavery is a step that no one knows how to get out of. Slavery is the cause of many tribulations, death, and lack of a future for the blacks. For anyone to be free and be able to continue with life freedom is of benefit but freedom without an idea about how to make life comfortable is worthless (Foner 216). Education must be attained by the blacks in order to reduce the chances of being viewed as a needy and uncontrollable society. Education will ensure that the blacks are social, legally and economically stable. The rules of the highland simply signify the conditions and the responsibilities of the black society living in the highlands and what they must do to survive. Marrying and associating with the Negroes is something that was required for the blacks. The plantations offered no chances for failure and every person working in the lands must be accountable for their actions to the rules defined by the highlands.

Fugitives of slavery were very much unwelcome to the white lands and the whites made it sure that the slaves were returned to slavery (Foner 220). Many of them who managed to leave the hostile lands and become fugitives in their own country moved northwards to places they felt safe. The letter indicates the happiness and the aspect of freedom that the Taper family and the fugitive slaves enjoy. The queen had brought justice and help to their rescue and this is something that was welcomed by every slave on the run. This is social justice subjected to the slaves for the sake of their well being.



Works cited

Foner, Eric. Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History. , 2014. Print.


312 Words  1 Pages
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