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The Dream of Pope Sergius

Objective: 3-4 page, typed, double-spaced, 12pt font, 1" margin essay with your choice of one of two topics. Compare two artworks which can be visited at the Getty Museum, although research for them can be done online. The paper should be written in a ‘5-part-essay’ format, with an introduction including a thesis statement, three main points to discuss that demonstrates the thesis, and a conclusion that summarizes what you’ve said about the artwork and restates the thesis. Paper will be graded on content and organization. The comparison must consider historical, social, or religious contexts that affect artists and the art they produced. Cite sources in a footnote or text note, and include bibliographical information. Please use MLA format for both text notes and for the “Works Cited” page.

Choose one of the following topics:

Topic 1:
- Attributed to Rogier van der Weyden “The Dream of Pope Sergius”, Flemish, late 1430s
- Fra Bartolommeo “The Rest of the Flight into Egypt with St. John the Baptist”, Italian, 1509

This is a comparison of two paintings that are from different areas — one from northern Europe and the other from Italy. Both are religious paintings, but have other things going on besides the religious event. Are these other activities that you see similar in type for both paintings, or are they different? How? Compared in terms of style, how do the two paintings differ in terms of emphasis on details versus overall harmony? Which would you consider more naturalistic? Why? Do they use perspective to create a believable sense of space? Are there other similarities or differences that either tie them together or indicate that they are from different areas?


Topic 2:
- Rubens “The Caledonian Boar Hunt”, Flemish, 1611-12
- Poussin “Landscape with a Calm”, French worked on in Italy, 1650-51

Observe the different approaches of Poussinistes and Rubenistes. looking at these two paintings, do you see differences in their styles? Which one emphasizes form and which emphasizes color? How do either of them use drama and/or lighting to get the effects they want? Does their choice of subject matter (the story they’re telling) affect the mood or the effect they’re trying to achieve?

*If either of these topics may be too difficult to write, let me know so that I may request a topic to the instructor.

389 Words  1 Pages
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