Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
Your essay should be 3-4 pages in length. The essay must be typed, 12 pt. font, 1 in. margins, and double-spaced. Your papers should include your name, the date, and the course information in the upper left corner (single spaced). Please staple your paper, no corner folds.
This essay is worth 100 points.
Choose one essay prompt.
Prompt 1:
Consider Franklin D. Roosevelt’s concept of the Four Freedoms. Did the U.S. government effectively uphold those freedoms in the events before, during, and after WWII?
Prompt 2:
Analyze and explain the effects of the McCarthyism Red Scare on American politics, society, and culture.
Your essay should contain a clear thesis, supporting evidence, and a conclusion that draws together your evidence in support of the thesis. The essay should be grammatically sound and well organized.