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U.S. Work and Labor Before the End of Reconstruction

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U.S. Work and Labor Before the End of Reconstruction 
Second Paper Assignment
“As the industrial revolution developed in the United States, traditional patterns of work were disrupted and replaced by more ridged, structured, factory-based workplaces. The older notion of the “Artisan Republic”—in which craftsmen could aspire to the status of a master within their given field—was threatened. American workers resisted this change.  In what ways did Americans seek to maintain these older traditions of work, and how successful were they?” (Question courtesy of Professor Francis Ryan)

Drawing on material from the lectures and assigned readings, write a paper of roughly 1500 words (or 4-6 double-spaced pages) in response to the above essay prompt. Use clear and precise language in your essay and provide ample evidence to support your claims. Also make sure to cite your sources. 

144 Words  1 Pages
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