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Media Violence and Judgments of Offensiveness and Violent Media Increase Aggression

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Select a criminal justice related topic and find one qualitative article and one quantitative article on this topic. My topic is going to be about "Media Violence and Judgments of Offensiveness (1st article) and Violent Media Increases Aggression (2nd article)". I will attach these documents as this is what will be used for APA citation. The first article will be about the qualitative data analysis (Media Violence and Judgments of Offensiveness) and the 2nd article will be about the quantitative survey research (Violent Media Increases Aggression). 

Provide APA reference information for each of the two articles (one qualitative, one quantitative).

Question 1: In your own words, provide a summary of the methodology, findings, and limitations of each of the two articles.  Each summary of methodology should include information such as the sample size, sampling method, description of the subjects included in the sample, where the study took place, if the study is cross-sectional or longitudinal, and how the data were collected.

Thank you ahead of time! 

174 Words  1 Pages
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