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Civil Right movement, 1992 Los Angeles riots, California army National Guards,

  • Civil Right movement
  •             Another major civil right movement has had a significant impact in the history of the civil right movement is the 1992 Los Angeles riots, which were also known as the Rodney king riot. The Los Angeles riots were characterized by excessive looting, arsons and the civil disturbances. These riots were mainly due to the widely covered police brutality in California. In addition these riots have been termed as on the largest riots to ever be seen in the history of United States. The riots were believed to have started in the south Los Angeles where it later spread to other part of other areas in United States where they lasted for six days. Many people argue that riots begun in April 1992 after the four Los Angeles police department were found acquitted on assaults and excessive use of force. The civil right activist argued that the white officers were videotaped beating an African –American. These riots led to the destruction of many properties, which were later estimated to be over one billion dollar. It is important to note that the violent only ended after the soldiers from the California army National Guards were called to stop the riots. However it is important to note that the riots can be described as successful since they helped to end the police to brutality in United States
  • Conclusion
  • From the above it is evident that analysis of the various events that occurred during the civil rights movements was successful in their mission. In this case it can also be argued that the passive resistance played an important role in enhancing the mission of the civil rights. In relation to this it is evident that the riots that were experienced in los angels were successful since they helped to end the police brutality.
300 Words  1 Pages
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