Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering;
Pick any 3 from fellow 6 topics. Please divided to 3 part and mark it which topic it is.
Key topics:
Change and continuity in Occupation-era Japan
The postwar conservative political consensus
Protest in postwar Japanese history
Mass popular culture and its relation to economic and social change
Women in postwar Japan
Historical memory in Japan and East Asia
Evaluation of answers:
- A poor answer will fail to include information and arguments relevant to the question, or
will contain information that is entirely irrelevant to the question. (F)
- A below average answer will contain some relevant information. The answer may be
inadequate in length, and may address the question obliquely rather than directly. (D)
- An average answer will describe some features of change. It will be satisfactory in length
and will address the question directly. (C)
- A good answer describes the changes accurately and includes most of the significant
features, and may offer some explanation for the changes but the explanation may be
missing some important dimensions. (B)
- Excellent answers will do what a solid answer does, plus offer a well-considered
explanation for why these changes took place. (A)