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Chinese American Historical Society Southern California Presentation

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Research the Chinese American Historical Society Southern California, make a PowerPoint presentation about this topic.  Inspired by the People’s Guide to Los Angeles and the new project on the People’s Guide to OC, this is an opportunity to profile a significant neighborhood site and to analyze the location in terms of the themes for this class.  How does your location illuminate Chinese American experiences in Orange County or Southern California more broadly.  How does the history of the locale explain its current significance?  Your paper and entry will help inform a current project.This course explores the history, culture, and contemporary life experiences of Chinese Americans.  Through lectures, readings, discussions, and films, we will examine topics such as immigration, community and family formation, work lives, educational experiences, political engagements, cultural representations, and the identities of people of Chinese ancestry in the U.S. I already write down the introduction for this project, you can observe some points or sentences from my intro. I will upload some picture for the project.

179 Words  1 Pages
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