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Shi Huangdi

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Forum 2: Shi Huangdi. 

In relation to the two part video biography of Shi Huangdi on in this module (First Emperor "Rise" and "Fall"):

Write a Forum post that addresses one or all the following questions: 

---what element or aspects of his personal life do you think were most important for shaping how he ruled China? 
---Would Shi Huangdi, transported to 21st century USA, be successful in gaining power? Whatever your answer to this second question, why do you think that is the case?

Here are some materials you may need

Intro to Classical Civilizations

Classical Greece

Alexander and Empire

Rise of Rome

Golden Age Rome

Early China

Classical Age China

Traditional Chinese music: The Guzheng (6 minutes).Please take a few minutes to see how this amazing instrument is played; it seems almost like something between a guitar and a piano. It is the iconic sound of traditional China.

First Emperor of China: Rise. (20 minutes). Starts with the legend, and a boy king surrounded by enemies...

First Emperor of China: Fall. (23 minutes) Shi Huangdi's Empire fell from within---were the sacrifices worth the achievement?

OPTIONAL materials below elaborating on some of the themes of the module.
Link to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) webpage on Chinese gardens. 
Link to excellent 2 hour documentary about the life, teachings, and legacy of the Buddha. 
Empires: Order from Chaos. The Life of Augustus (Octavian) Caesar. For more from this series, go to: 
The Mahrabharata: Classical Age Indian epic 
Nova: Bible's Buried Secrets (Part 1 of 2). Focuses on how how the Torah/Old Testament was written and the latest word on Biblical archaeology. 
In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great. Michael Wood shows us the places across Persia visited by Alexander. Fall of Susa at 12:00. Destruction of Persepolis, 28:20 to 34:00. Modern Zoroastrians 34:00 to about 42:00.This is part 2 of a six part series, the rest are highly recommended as well. 
The Great Wall (50 min): Superior documentary on the construction, history, legend, and significance of this magnificent symbol of China's power and glory. 
Indian Temples (50 min): the culture, beliefs, and architecture of traditional Hinduism. 
The Minoans (1.5 hours). Bettany Hughes describes the discovery and major features of the first European Civilization, which was unknown until its discovery in 1900. The Theseus/Ariadne/Minotaur legend at 3:00; excellent visit to the site at 20:00; bull-leaping at 26:00 and role of women; Linear B at 43:00; trade networks at 56:00; Snake Goddess religion at 1:15:00; volcanic destruction 1:27:00. 
The Life of the Buddha (45 min). BBC production.
The Truth of the Trojan War (45 min). Archaeology and history of a founding legend of Greek and Western identity. [See also the exceptional 2 hour film (and book) by Bettany Hughes on Helen of Troy 
Hinduism: The Bhagavad Gita. (17 min). From 21:40 to 29:00 Krishna (in the gold crown) explains his teachings and bestows a vision of his infinite nature; a vision of the divine that is both similar to and radically different from the monotheistic traditions. 
Excellent documentary on ancient Chinese weapons and warfare. /MqhuAnySPZ0
Beautiful 3 minute recreation of the astonishing Antikythera mechanism that charts the planets and phase

621 Words  2 Pages
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