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What major events characterize each of the four Dynasties of early Chinese history?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Write a 950 word paper in which you explore the histories of China and India.
Address the following questions:
What major events characterize each of the four Dynasties of early Chinese history?
Describe at least three works of early Chinese art; how do these pieces reflect Chinese culture and values?
Where did Indian culture originate? In what ways did invaders influence this culture?
Describe at least three works of early Indian art: How do these pieces reflect Indian culture and values?
Explain how religious and philosophical traditions influenced the development of culture in China and India.
Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines. Be sure to include a clear introduction, and conclusion.  Include in-text citations and bibliography for all research material used including our textbook and video resources.

140 Words  1 Pages
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