Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer
According to the article, other than ‘lateral pressure,’ what are the two schools of thought that have promoted theories in an attempt to explain imperialism or imperial expansion? You need to briefly explain the key components of each of these and mention their major proponents.
Now, explain the theory of “lateral pressure.” How does it function? If we take oil as a desirable consumer commodity, could we use oil to partially explain European efforts to gain control (directly or indirectly) of places such as Iraq and Iran at the turn of the 20th century (early 1900’s) as having been driven by aspects of lateral pressure? Is imperialism the only possible outcome of “lateral pressure?” Answer these questions in full detail.
Your essay should be no longer than 4 pages. Use 12 point script and please double space. Please utilize normal pre-set (1 inch) margins.
When citing the material, especially when using direct quotes, please use footnote citations. (In Word go to References and Footnote and then type your source information.) A works cited page is not a substitute for footnotes.
Use Chicago Manual of Style for referencing.