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It is 1865, President Johnson asks you to figure out why America seems to get involved in so many wars. Johnson wants you to describe in detail a specific event that led to the American Revolution, the war of 1812, the Mexican American war & the civil war

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

It is 1865, President Johnson asks you to figure out why America seems to get involved in so many wars. Johnson wants you to describe in detail a specific event that led to the American Revolution, the war of 1812, the Mexican American war & the civil war and explain why it led to war because Johnson knows wars do not just happen. He then wants you to examine & explain the broader economic & ideological causes fir each of these wars. In your own opinion which of the two forces economic or ideological is the main cause for all these wars. Since Johnson likes thorough reports you must cite events to illustrate & prove points.

125 Words  1 Pages
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