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The Berlin Blockade was the main reason for increasing Cold War tension in the years 1947–9.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer

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Paper Instructions:

The Berlin Blockade was the main reason for increasing Cold War tension in the years 1947–9.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. Possible questions to guide my research. Start with a minimum of 3 and build on this as you progress: What was the berlin blockade, and why was it implemented? What tensions grew as the blockade was made? What did the Big 3 do in reaction to the blockade? East Berlin′s Brain Drain Establish your argument and begin to plan your essay: 1,000-800 Word Limit – 250 per paragraph Map our essay: Introduction Cold War tension in the period 1947-9 was significantly increased as a result of the Berlin Blockade. Point 1: Nature of cold war ideology in this period ˃ Division of Germany, contextual background for the Blockade. Division of Germany and Berlin. Alliance of Big 3 (UK, US, France) Big 3 and USSR had different ideas of what to do with Germany Big 3 wanted to rebuild Germany USSR wanted to strip them as it would then have zero threat to Europe Blockade built to limit recourse and supply′s to west Germany so they could not rebuild ????? Point 2: increased stress/political tension as big 3 could not access/distribute resources Point 3:Signifcance of NATO(result of blockade), (increasing tension and fear of each other) Alliance system made a bigger division between the west and the east Summary

247 Words  1 Pages
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