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Why do works of art from the High Renaissance continue to be understood as the most famous art in the western world? Explain the religious and philosophical influences on High Renaissance art. Discuss the status of artists in Renaissance society. Examine

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Paper Instructions:

Discussion Question 2

    Why do works of art from the High Renaissance continue to be understood as the most famous art in the western world? Explain the religious and philosophical influences on High Renaissance art. Discuss the status of artists in Renaissance society. Examine the classical and expressive artistic developments during the High Renaissance. Explain your answers.

You are required to answer the questions that are being asked and create a researched answer for the rest of the class to read and respond to. You may take either side of an issue, but you must go to the Internet and find quality research material to back up your position. You can ONLY use ".edu" or ".org" websites. You CANNOT use ".com" sites, Wikipedia, or your textbook as a source for this discussion. It must be at least 2 paragraphs in length and answer the questions being asked. Remember, you must include the website that you used at the end of the paragraph

177 Words  1 Pages
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