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Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

  1. Introduction: (150 words)
    Who are they? When did they live? What was their role in Medieval Europe?
    2.    Life of the individual:  (200 words)
    Briefly outline the key events in the life of your chosen individual.
    3.    Source analysis: (300 words)
    Find ONE primary source and ONE secondary source on your chosen individual. For EACH source you must answer:
    -    What is it?
    -    Who created it?
    -    What is its purpose? Why was it created?
    -    What does it tell us about your chosen individual?
    4.    Evaluation/Legacy: (250 words)
    Make a judgment about the impact of your chosen individual on Medieval Europe. (Why are they significant? What did they achieve?)
122 Words  1 Pages
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