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Is the U.S. Constitution still relevant today?

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

PURPOSE:  The purpose of this assignment is for each student to reflect on some aspect of the U.S.  Constitutional system (see specific topic below).  

TOPIC:  Is the U.S. Constitution still relevant today?

INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW:  Each student is to write a 1-2 page essay (250-600 words) about the identified topic.  See detailed instruction below.  

Student Instructions:

Step 1.  Investigate the topic.

The Constitution is designed to preserve liberty. Americans have traditionally distrusted their perception of big government, and the American system puts a variety of limits on governmental authority, and safeguards personal rights. 

Include the following answers in your essay:
•    Does the Constitution still provide the safeguards originally intended?
•    Given the present-day international and domestic environment, is the emphasis on safeguarding liberty and personal rights still practical and workable?

Step 2.  Craft a main point/thesis statement.

Devise a clear and concise main point/thesis statement, typically in a single sentence.  This will be what you support in the rest of the paper.  

Step 3.  Comply with the paper’s requirements.

A.    Write a minimum of one (1) page (no less than 250 words) and maximum of two (2) pages (no more than 600 words), not including references/works cited or title page.  The essay must be double-spaced, using an easily readable typeface (e.g. Times New Roman) in 11 or 12 font, and 1-inch margins all around.  

B.    You must use a minimum of two (2) sources.  At least one (1) source must be from the course textbook AND at least one (1) other reliable source of the student’s choice.  Sources must be properly referenced/cited in the essay using one of the three citation styles referenced below.  

Step 4.  Properly cite sources.  

A.    You must properly cite references within the paper using MLA, APA, or CMS formatting style (choose a style and be consistent throughout the paper) as well as a proper works cited or references page.  Students who plagiarize will be reported for Scholastic Dishonesty and fail.  You have every opportunity to check the plagiarism report prior to the due date and make any changes needed.

B.    Include the following information in your title page:  name, course info and semester, assignment title and date.  

Step 5.  Submit Assignment.

Submit (upload) a MS Word document file to the Canvas assignment before the due date/time.  Use the following file naming convention:  
“LASTNAME_FIRST_GOVT230X-SECTION#_SEMESTERYEAR_ASSIGNMENT-#.DOCX” (Example:  Smith_John_GOVT2305-101_Fall2019_Assignment-1.docx).

Student deliverable(s):
Upload completed assignment in a MS Word document meeting all above requirements to the assignment in Canvas before the due date.  

Helpful Links:
NCTC Citation Guide: 
Student Learning Outcome(s) supported:  LO-1,2,3 (from syllabus)
Grading Rubric:
•    Addressed topic (Step 1):  4 points.
•    Clear/concise thesis statement (Step 2):  2 points.  
•    Minimum requirements (Step 3a):  3 points.
•    Sources (Step 3b):  2 points.  
•    Proper citation, formatting (Step 4):  3 points.  
•    Readability, grammar, proper citations (step 5):  1 points.

494 Words  1 Pages
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