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In the early 1900s, high rates of black incarceration resulted from convictions from property crimes. Later twentieth century, high rates of black incarceration resulted from convictions for drug offenses.

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Paper Instructions:

A project needs to be a single narrative — not broken into chapters like a thesis.  The easiest way to organize it is probably chronological.  

My argument and also my topic, In the early twentieth century, high rates of black incarceration resulted from convictions from property crimes.  In the later twentieth century, high rates of black incarceration resulted from convictions for drug offenses.  While the official cause changed, high rates of black incarceration continued through the time period in Mississippi and Louisiana.
Points clearly and concisely made, it cannot be repetitive at all, 

It has to be in chronological order, I am submitting a former draft to reference from as far as the info on Louisiana and Mississippi, please use info from draft and sources because I have to use some info from the first draft as long as its worthy. outside of the earlier times this needs to focus on black incarceration resulted from convictions for drug offenses. 
your primary focus might be on why did Mississippi and Louisiana criminalize narcotics?  Or, how did Mississippi and Louisiana drug laws cause mass incarceration?
Websites are not an acceptable source


• A 25 to 30 page research paper (not including notes, graph-
ics, appendices, etc.) notes and graphs are needed
• Can include alternative formats, such as a museum-quality
exhibit or documentary film.
• Possible topics include analyzing a historiographical debate
or placing a smaller, local event in a larger historical context.
• Relies more on secondary and less on primary sources. Must have footnotes as well.

I have to show where I stand on this argument and that is I do not agree with the amount of blacks that are incarcerated on drug charges in the two states. I think that it is unjust when compared to other races mostly whites. The sentencing is way too harsh. 

FOLLOW THE OUTLINE!!! PLEASE FOLLOW OUTLINE!! Please do not pile a bunch of words together I am going to comb thru the paper with a fine tooth lol  

I will also send a pdf of a book I want used as well. 

362 Words  1 Pages
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