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Historical Event and it's continued impact

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Choose one of the following topics below and address both the historical event (or topic within its time- frame context) and its continued impact on society today.

1. The Chicago Race Riot of 1919
2. Robert Johnson and the Blues
3. Aaron Douglas and Graphic Design


Write 2-3 pages (no less than 2, not including your Works Cited page)
Use MLA format for citations and paper formatting
Cite at least 3 different scholarly sources (Absolutely no Wikipedia,, Howstuffworks, etc -- using these sources or sources like them will guarantee you a grade of zero on this assignment.)
12 point Times or Times New Roman font· PROOFREAD and edit your work
Option #3, for example:
Introduction with a strong thesis statement
Body paragraph 1: Biographical information on Douglas
Body paragraph 2: Douglas’ graphic design (best to choose 1 or 2 examples here): what is it like, whatmakes it unique, what techniques did he use, etc
Body paragraph 3: How is Douglas’ unique sense of graphic design impactful today

181 Words  1 Pages
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