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the rise of a fascist government in Europe during the early 20th century

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a research paper analyzing the rise of a fascist government in Europe during the early 20th century.

Consider looking at the following areas to research:
- Effects of the Treaty of Versailles on that country
- Role of the local news media and propaganda
- Legality of the Dictators rise to power
-Changes in the economy that led to a fascist government
-Social and Cultural factors
-International responses

You will need a MINIMUM of 4 credible sources.
-Wikipedia is not a credible source!
-Google Scholar is a great tool to find credible sources
-Also use sites that end in .edu or .gov for better reliability

Points breakdown
-70 points for the subject matter
-15 points for correct in text citations
-15 points for correct work cited page

If you do not use any in text citations or provide a work cited page the paper will be returned to you and marked with a zero until they are provided.

170 Words  1 Pages
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