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Outside of the military battles, how did the Civil War disrupt and transform the lives of Tennesseans? For whom do you think the war had the most impact, and why?

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Paper Instructions:

Your first paper will be on the impact of the Civil War on Tennessee and Tennesseans. The impact of the Civil War went beyond the (many) battles fought in Tennessee. The presence of armies in the state served to disrupt and transform the lives of every day Tennesseans.  In 1000 words, using ONLY the sources linked below, answer this question:

Outside of the military battles, how did the Civil War disrupt and transform the lives of Tennesseans? For whom do you think the war had the most impact, and why? 

You must use EVIDENCE from those sources to support your argument. .You may use any of the major citation styles (Chicago, MLA, or APA) to cite your references. Here is a link to style guides.  Include a bibliography at the end. The citations and bibliography are NOT part of the word count!

153 Words  1 Pages
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