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How did Europe and mass society change with the advent of the Industrial Revolution? What was one significant invention during this era? How did it change society, especially for women and children?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your answer of at least 300 words not including citations 

Answer the following questions:  How did Europe and mass society change with the advent of the Industrial Revolution? What was one significant invention during this era?  How did it change society, especially for women and children? 
This includes one primary and one secondary source. 
Cite all information that is not commonly known. Cite any quotes that you incorporate. Citations should include the author and the date published (Author, 2019). If there is not an author listed, include the title and date published (Title of article, 2019).
Include a reference list. The reference list should include more than just the URL link. This chart has examples, use APA. It is a large chart so use Ctrl F to find your example.

only use information from these links and the textbook

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176 Words  1 Pages
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