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propaganda in the baroque period

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Essay #2 – Propaganda in the Baroque Period

In Chapter 4 you learn about artwork that was created during the Baroque period in Europe as well as the term “propaganda.” During the Counter Reformation, the Catholic Church used religious art in order to draw more people to Catholicism and to reinforce the power of the Pope. Provide an overview of your understanding of this during the Baroque period. Use a specific example of an artwork of the period as part of your essay. How do you define propaganda in our contemporary society? Provide specific examples of modern day propaganda. Essays should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, free of all spelling and grammatical errors, no plagiarism, Chicago Style formatting with footnotes and bibliography. Submit in Canvas in DOC, or DOCX format. Be sure that you answer the question asked in its entirety and be sure to proofread your answer.

168 Words  1 Pages
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