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What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on society (especially, on the workers) and the environment? What effects did the shift to manufacturing and carbon fuels produce around the world? You won't be able to answer all of these question fully in a

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Central questions to which you should respond: What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on society (especially, on the workers) and the environment? What effects did the shift to manufacturing and carbon fuels produce around the world? You won't be able to answer all of these question fully in a short paper; instead, use them to develop a thesis/central argument that addresses these questions.

Your essay must:

1. have a thesis/central argument (see "Making Arguments and Writing Theses" in our textbook, pp. 157-160). Write your thesis in bold to make it stand out in the paper
2. utilize assigned readings and videos to support your argument
3. cite sources in parentheses: (Author’s Name, Page ##); no need for a bibliography or a work cited page for this assignment
4. NOT use any outside research for these essays (use only readings and videos from this class)
5.reflect an understanding of change over time and across space

You will be evaluated not only on the clarity of your thesis, but also on the degree to which you provide a clear framework with which to organize your evidence in support of your thesis. Since you are asked to address origins and change over time, a chronological organizational framework seems most appropriate (that is: start with event that took place further back in time and "move" towards the present).

You will also be graded on the mechanics of writing, spelling, sentence structure, organization, grammar, etc. as well as their appropriate inclusion of citations, with an emphasis on source analysis and integration. 

Essays should be a minimum of 900-1000 words in length (about 3 pages double-spaced or a little more), employ appropriate grammar and sentence structure, cite sources, and be reasonably free of typographical errors.

302 Words  1 Pages
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