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The political and economical impact of cybercrime in the United Arab Emirates

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Paper Instructions:

The political and economical impact of cybercrime in the United Arab Emirates

Assessment 2: Literature Review 
Outline and Requirements 
This task is intended to test your ability to digest a longer narrative in order to capture what is central and use it, ultimately, in your research projects. You will be required to: 
1.    Using the library or e-library or both, identify 3 academic articles (from peer-reviewed journals) that discuss a common topic. Please send your choice of articles by email for validation before you write your piece. 
2.    Write a digest or summary of these in a way that brings them into dialogue with one another (this part of the exercise is the real challenge behind writing a literature review). Remember: do not write three summaries one after the other. 
3.    The review should be no more than 1500 words. 

Students will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 
-COMPLETION OF THE EXERCISE: All articles are effectively discussed. 
-ANALYTICAL AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: The student demonstrates the capacity to consistently and clearly draw attention to the most obvious implications of the dialogue between the articles. The student shows a critical engagement with key concepts and methods used by authors. 
-STRUCTURE AND TECHNICALS: The student has structured the piece so that it flows, making it clear to follow and to understand, paying attention to grammar, spelling, paragraph breaks (general editing issues).

Attached are 3 journal articles for the references. Please do not include any other references. 

258 Words  1 Pages
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