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Paper Instructions:
The two page report is about how teacher’s parents and psychologist can motivate, encourage, and form good child behavior along with success.  Shaping our students to become believers that they will succeed also depends on teachers expectations of themselves and of their students will mold them into successful students.  Like I said, the six PDF’S compliment what I just summarized.  You can please write the three page journal in follow the following format at the middle of this page:  
1.    The PDF’S that are in the folders are for the writer to do in text citations and reference the last page after your done writing my 2 page journal.  Total three pages including the referenced page. 
2.    The word document saved as:  ED PSYC. CITE. REFERENCES are for your in text citations and to be used at the reference page once your are done writing the journal.
3.    The word document saved as:  INSTRUCTIONS. FORMAT.APA. is the format for the entire document.  Follow APA format – that’s what I basically need.
4.    The word document saved as:  WRITTEN JOURNAL.2.HOW CAN WE HELP STUDENTS SUCCEED is my rough draft of the journal that I had began; so, basically it gives you a huge idea on what I am writing about.
Cite reference source in APA Style – (REVIEW APA STYLE) See following Example 

A summary section: One paragraph that summarizes the central argument and the key points the writer uses.  Be accurate, precise and concise; avoid extensive quotation from the readings, instead use your own words to summarize.  

A Impression section: One paragraph that allows you to express your personal reactions to the article.  You may react to the argument of an article, the evidence used, the unspoken assumptions the author makes, or even the writing style the author uses. Respectfully articulate what you like and don't like about the article. 

A critical engagement section: One or two paragraphs that analyze and critically engage with the reading.  Evaluate both the strengths and potential weaknesses of the argument being presented.  If the reading is a primary source, you should also reflect on the social context of the reading.  Compare and contrast points expressed on related issues; explain the relationship between the ideas in the articles.  Again, use your own words to paraphrase ideas from the reading.  Avoid simply summarizing or stating personal judgments in this section (you already have a place for these things in paragraphs 1 and 2) and focus on critical analysis and thoughtful engagement with the readings.  This section will be the most useful for you to use for preparing for writing your paper. 

1.    Note: include your references, in text citations, and page #3 will be your reference page.
2.    Note: Please follow the word document saved as: INSTRUCTIONS. FORMAT.APA. required by my professor.  

481 Words  1 Pages
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