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Students Experiencing Family Transitions

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Students are to select a hot topic in school psychology for research and class presentation. Use a minimum of 10 scholarly resources in the development of your presentation and reference all materials using APA guidelines. At least 7 of these scholarly resources should be from peer-reviewed scientific journal articles. The paper should represent a synthesis of research and should be focused on answering a specific question. In answering that thesis question, be sure that you utilize sound logic, clearly explain scientific evidence for your assertions, and have accurate explanations of the complex concepts. While the paper may aim to be approximately 10 pages, it will not be evaluated based on length, but instead on how well you answer your specific thesis question. Weaker papers tend to be papers that simply describe studies and then attempt to find a conclusion at the end. Stronger papers integrate multiple pieces of information and are able to answer the thesis question.

168 Words  1 Pages
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