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Though many aspects of IEP development remain the same, IDEA 2004 legislation dictated some changes to the goal writing process. These modifications to the 1990 law enable special education professionals to better serve their students.

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Paper Instructions:

Though many aspects of IEP development remain the same, IDEA 2004 legislation dictated some changes to the goal writing process. These modifications to the 1990 law enable special education professionals to better serve their students. One of the studies for this unit required you to access the Capella University Library and research a minimum of two journal articles on the changes that affect IEP development as a result of IDEA 2004. Please address these questions in your discussion post:

What were the major tenets of the original 1990 law?
What were at least three changes to IEP development that resulted from IDEA 2004? Example: Students' academic achievement and functional performance must now show how they can make progress in the general classroom curriculum.

Research a minimum of two articles on the changes to IEP development that resulted from IDEA 2004. Based on your research, describe a minimum of three changes to IEP development that resulted from IDEA 2004. Make sure to cite all sources in APA format.

178 Words  1 Pages
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