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Professional Applications of Learning Theory in Real-Life Situations

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Option 3: Forensic Psychology Presentation

Watch the first 15 minutes of the “Juvenile Rehabilitation” video available in the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings.

Prepare a 10-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes explaining how each of the four learning theories (behaviorism, social cognitive, information processing and constructivism) are demonstrated in this video discussion of juvenile rehabilitation. 

Address the following in your presentation:

•    How the Paint Creek program, which stresses modeling, demonstrates learning in terms of each learning theory perspective
•    How Vicki Agee’s explanation of how developing victim empathy creates the motivation for change This sequence should be discussed as demonstration of each of the four learning theories.
•    What the behavioral cognitive approach means at Paint Creek

19 Words  1 Pages
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