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Social Mindscapes: An Invitation to Cognitive Sociology by Eviatar Zerubavel

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Paper Instructions:

Summarize the main narrative/theory/logic presented in the book. Explain which socio-cognitive process, norms, and/or conventions the author is attempting to analyze and/or deconstruct. Employ socio-cognitive concepts and principles to explain the intersubjective meanings embodied in the topic. Reflect upon the cultural, historical, and sub-cultural shared-meanings and/or cognitive differences that define the narrative of the book. Expound upon the sociological relevance of the content. Explore its impact on identity, perception of others, social relations, and social institutions: How does the topic affect people's behaviors and actions, sense of self, how they understand others? How does the topic affect contemporary social relations? How does it contribute to knowledge formation?
Apply the main argument/theory in other contexts (across cultural thought communities and/or sociological subfields). Provide a brief reflective summary of the major points from the chapter that provided you with either new information and/or an "enlightened" socio-cognitive perspective. Be sure to use direct quotes from the book( use quotation marks) and reference page numbers.

172 Words  1 Pages
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