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Paper Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to get students to start thinking about their topic for their argumentative research paper. Students should ask themselves these questions: What issue interests you? What do you know about the issue? What stake do they have in the issue? What is your position? What are your opponents’ positions? Where is the common ground on the issue (if there is any)? Below you will find information you need in order to formulate your proposal. Remember this information should be presented in essay format. Try to be as detailed as you can when you are presenting your topic proposal.

Write a working title. You will need to write a title that will help your reader to visualize your topic. This will help you focus your topic and thoughts. The title may change later, as more information about the topic is uncovered.
Write a working thesis statement. This is the central theme of your paper and helps you to focus your research. Explain what you expect your research will uncover. List the question that you will answer through your research.
Explain why the topic interests you and describe any experience you have with the subject.
Explain why it is important to research this topic. Identify the implications of doing the research. Explain how the research will add to the existing body of knowledge.
Acknowledge your opposing view point.
Identify the target audience for your results. Based on your target audience, you will determine the style of writing that is appropriate to use and what theories and experiments to apply.
Make a preliminary bibliography. This is your initial search for source material. It should contain at least five primary and secondary sources. The intent is to convince the reader that you have conducted sufficient background research.

309 Words  1 Pages
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